life coaching for moms | therapy for moms


Online Support Group for Moms

Get Support & Guidance in:

Personal Development



Mental Load


Do you ever feel like you’re the only one that’s struggling in motherhood?

Like you know other moms talk about it being hard, but they can’t really be struggling like you are, right? They seem to have it all figured out- at least better than you do. Their houses are probably cleaner, their laundry is folded and put away and you doubt they’re losing it on their kids like you do.

Pssst, I’m going to let you in on a little secret that I’ve learned from being a therapist to hundreds of moms over the years.

→ That neighbor mom you see, always smiling and doing all the activities with her kids…

→ That perfectly put together mom at school drop off that is heading off to work…

→ That mom running as she pushes the two kids in the jogging stroller…

→The couple that are Relationship Goals, always smiling and laughing together…

They all struggle at times. They all have messy houses, they’ve all yelled at their kids, and they’ve all felt alone in this before.



The Mom Group

An Online Support Group for Moms led by a Therapist (who’s also a Mom). Now you don’t need to feel so alone with all things motherhood. The group will cover topics such as boundaries, mental load, body image, tantrums, parenting strategies, relationship with partners, making mom friends etc.

Get Online Support from a Therapist and Other Moms!

As a therapist to moms, I’ve often thought- “if only I could introduce my clients to each other,” as they’re often struggling with the same things and would be great support to each other. And that’s how The Mom Group was born. The Mom Group is an intimate, inclusive group of other moms that just “get it.” So grab a cup of coffee or tea, settle in and be ready for laughter, tears and everything in between.

Yes, you can be a happy mom!

The Mom Group | Support Group for Moms

  • The group is for moms with babies and children, ages 0- 4. If you have a child outside this age, still reach out, as new groups can begin with enough interest.

  • Generally there will be a topic for the week that I (the therapist) will introduce and will share some information around and then we will open it up to the group to share their own thoughts and experiences around it. It is a collaborative and flexible group, so if there are certain topics the group wants to focus on, we can do that.

    While the group is therapeutic in nature, it is not Therapy, and it is geared as more supportive and educational. If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, and/or past trauma, it is recommended that you also seek out Individual therapy.

  • The group meets weekly for 50 minutes.

    Prior to entering the group, there will be a 20 minute consult and each participant commits to attending 8 sessions within a 10 week timeframe. After 8 sessions, participants are able to continue as long as there is room within the group.

  • The group is for a minimum of 4 moms to a maximum of 8 moms. It’s important for the group to feel safe and inclusive with some continuity. During your time, there may be new participants entering and some leaving, with the goal of having minimum disruption

  • Each group session is $60. There is a 8 session commitment required in order to create continuity and safety. Payment can be paid in full or split into 3 payments.

  • Yes, safety is of utmost importance and therefore treating every member of the group with respect is number one. There will be no name-calling, yelling, shaming, or criticizing other group members. Providing privacy is also important and each member agrees not to talk about other members outside of the group. Group members are not required or asked to share their full names, addresses or phone numbers to other group members (however are welcome to share as they’d like).

  • Meetings are conducted via Zoom and a link will be emailed to you prior to each meeting. We do ask that you have your camera on for the group, as it helps to create a more supportive environment for all the group members.

  • Hey, we totally get it- childcare can be hard to come by and sickness happens, so we get that your kids may be home with you. We do ask that you do your best to have a private space for the meeting and to use earphones as some of the topics may be sensitive or mature for little ears.

  • Email me at or use the form below to express your interest. I’ll then contact you to set up a consult to make sure it’s a good fit. Once there is an opening, you’ll then be able to get started.

Interested in The Mom Group?

Fill out the form or email at

The Mom Group Covers the following Topics:

  • Boundaries in your relationships

  • Parenting Struggles

  • Body Image

  • Relationship Concerns

  • Self-Care

  • Identity as a Mom and an Individual

  • Communication Skills

  • Understanding and Coping with your Emotions