a mother who got therapy and is now happy with her daughter


Struggling with anxiety, depression, overwhelm, burnout, etc.

postpartum depression & postpartum anxiety support

Motherhood is exhausting.

As a mother, you want to do things differently. You want to raise happy and emotionally healthy children. You do all the research, you listen to the podcasts, yet you often feel like you are “failing,” you feel guilty, inadequate. Maybe you struggle with anxiety and depression. Yet, you love your children more than anything and somewhere along the way, you feel like you’ve lost yourself.

You can be a mom

and be Happy!

Online Therapy for Moms + New Moms in California

Supporting moms is of utmost importance, not just for our children, but for future generations to come.

Your past does not need to be your destiny. You can heal from generational trauma, depression, and anxiety. You don’t have to lose yourself to be a good mom. 

You can create a life that is happy and meaningful!

Hi, I’m Melissa

I’m a Licensed Therapist and I specialize in working with moms as they navigate parenting in the postpartum time and the years beyond.

As a mom myself, I understand how overwhelming motherhood can be. It’s easy to get caught up in self-defeating thoughts and to feel alone in your motherhood journey.

Through my therapy services, I’ll help you process some of your past experiences and hurts that may be impacting you today. We’ll sort through feelings of inadequacy and anxiety and we’ll figure out how you want to be not just as a mom but also as your own person.

Therapy for Moms

  • anxiety treatment for moms | mom therapy


    Anxiety can show up in many ways and easily take over your life. Constant worrying about your child, thinking of worst-case scenarios, feeling a need to control everything, feeling on edge, etc.

    In therapy, I’ll help you develop a deeper understanding of your anxiety and learn ways to better manage it. You’ll learn how to shift out of anxious thoughts and promote a more helpful way of thinking.

  • depression in moms, therapy for moms


    Depression can feel like you’re in a fog and it can be hard to see things differently. Everything can feel like it’s just so hard. Sometimes it feels like nothing, a dullness, that nothing really matters.

    In therapy we’ll work on small steps you can take to start to boost your mood. You’ll work on your thought process and learn healthy coping skills. Over time and with effort, the fog will lift and you will feel like yourself again.

  • Anger

    You try your best to be patient and promote a gentle way of parenting and then you find yourself blowing up. Anger often comes up from a place of anxiety and when our own needs aren’t being addressed.

    In therapy, you’ll learn about your triggers, identify your needs, and develop a plan to meet those needs. We’ll practice self-regulating strategies that will help not just you but also your kids.

  • postpartum depression | postpartum anxiety support for moms | mom therapy


    Postpartum Anxiety and Postpartum Depression are common struggles after having a baby. Your body has gone through a lot, there are hormonal changes, the physical recovery from childbirth, coupled with sleep deprivation, and having to address the constant needs of a brand new baby. Some anxiety and low mood are normal, however, it can easily cycle out of hand. Getting support is imperative.

    Therapy will address some common pain points in the postpartum time and help you develop a plan to better support yourself and baby. You don’t have to feel alone in this. Support is available!

  • Trauma

    Becoming a mother changes you. It can also highlight some of your past painful experiences and how you want things to be different for your own children. Our body holds onto past traumatic experiences. These memories can show up and express themselves in many different ways, such as anxiety, anger outbursts, people-pleasing tendencies, etc.

    In therapy, you’ll develop a better understanding of how trauma can affect you, how it shows up In your body, and how you can work on healing your past trauma. We’ll also help you develop a parenting vision out of a place of confidence, not from a fear-based place from past trauma. Your trauma does not define you, nor does it need to take over your life.

  • Relationships

    Relationships are hard. Many couples report lower relationship satisfaction after having children. However, it doesn’t have to stay that way.

    In therapy, you can learn how to prioritize your relationship again, to identify and share your emotional needs, and build up your connection again.

therapy for moms | online therapist for mothers


Not quite sure what you need or feeling uncertain about starting therapy?